Our Offerings <3
✶Are you a dance enthusiast who wishes to take dance more seriously but don’t know where to start?
✶Are you an emerging artist who is eager to take your practice to the next level but unsure how to get there?
✶Are you someone who yearns to understand your body more but dance classes are too hard to get started?
We are here for you, send us an email hello@nexusnexus.info and let’s chat and connect <3
Dance Privates
Dance privates are for dancers at any level and style who wish to upskill your physicality / technicality, conceptual expansion, body-mind-emotion connections. Dance privates are specially designed and catering your needs
✶dancers from any level and style (previous experience required)
✶1-on-1 or small group up to 4 participants
Creative Development Consultations
Creative development consultations are for emerging artists from any background to get started on your next projects: everything you need to know from start to finish a project, walking you through steps such as application, conceptualisation, project management, relationship-building
✶emerging artists from any background
✶1-on-1 or small group up to 4 participants
Movement Coaching
Movement coaching is for anyone who wish to understand how to get into your body more: alignment, posture, body-mind-emotion connections. These coaching sessions could be for your upcoming music videos / shows, or just overall getting to know your body better
✶open to all
✶1-on-1 or small group up to 2 participants