(nexus) Launch is a multisensory evening of experimental dance battles, cuisines and party - centre around the theme of Devour, curated and produced by MaggZ, assisted by Carmen Yih. Devour implores us to wonder what it means to Devour? How does it feel to Devour? Why are we being ‘devoured’? Who are we when we are ‘devoured’?
Devour - to absorb or be absorbed eagerly > we invite you: to step into the sensation of Devour ✶ to be embodied in the somatics of Devour ✶ to roam around the imagination of Devour . We are curious to see what is the ‘devoured’ version of ourselves after this evening of trial-and-error, shed-and-rebuild, unlearn-and-relearn?
(nexus) Launch is generously supported by VicHealth and Next Wave.